Support Spirit Run Equine Rescue

Spirit Run Equine Rescue survives on the generous donations of our supporters.  With your support, we can continue to rescue unwanted, neglected,abused and slaughter bound horses, rehabilitate them and find their perfect forever homes.

You can choose to do a one-time donation or a regular monthly donation.  If you are interested in sponsoring a particular horse in our rescue program, please click here.

Thank you for being a part of Spirit Run Equine Rescue!

One-Time Donation

If you would like to make a regular recurring donation, please scroll down to see the setup options.

We know that not everyone is able to commit to a regular donation. However, when you make a single donation, you are helping us to pay our every day expenses, including vet, farrier, feed and transport. Please choose an amount and proceed through to the online checkout to receive your automatic receipt.


Monthly Donation

When you set up a donation on a regular basis, you help us to rescue and rehabilitate even more horses. Having regular donations coming in helps us to plan and know that our invoices can be covered. It lets us concentrate on the horses and not stress about the bills.

Thank you so much for considering a monthly donation. Your generosity is overwhelming and so much appreciated! 

Please know that you can adjust your donation whenever you choose.  For information on how to make changes to your regular donation or other questions please contact us.
